NAMIWalks is back!

NAMI Walks NC 2021 will take place on Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 and you and your affiliate can be a part of it. NAMIWalks NC 2021 will be similar to 2020’s phenomenally successful virtual event, where people (and some pets) took part in locations all over the state. All NAMI NC Affiliates are eligible to create a ‘Walk Team’ and raise money for NAMIWalks regardless of their size or location. NAMI NC Affiliates that submit a revenue sharing agreement and create one or more ‘Walk Teams’ will earn 50% of the funds that their team(s) raise! Your board, Program Leaders, members, friends, and family can all be a part of your team(s) and help you raise money.  Although it may seem far away, it is never too early to start planning and fundraising for the event.  Please review the attached 2021 Revenue Sharing Agreement for more information.  Lindsey Taylor is available for any additional questions you may have (
NAMI 360 Training- Part 2
The first virtual NAMI 360 training was held on January 20th, 2021 and focused on Programing. Don’t worry if you missed it! You can view the recording here. We are scheduling a follow-up NAMI 360 training that will focus on Membership and cover the following topis:
  • How to enter memberships
  • How to identify new members

  • How to run a membership report

  • (Possible) Q and A if time allows

If you are interested in joining the Membership NAMI 360 Training, please reply to this email and let me know your preferred time (morning, afternoon, evening) and days that you can attend. Please also let me know if you have any specific NAMI 360 membership questions that you would like addressed in the training. Thank you!

PADS Update
Southern Regional AHEC has created the attached Simplified Mental Health Advance Instruction and the Simple Advance Care Planning Form that is used by multiple health systems across the state. Both these forms will be in circulation going forward. Please review the attached document and reach out to Ashish George ( with any questions.
Did you get an email from
Don’t worry- this is not a scam. NAMI North Carolina uses to send electronic checks to NAMI NC Affiliates. The email will be sent from, but the actual check should be from NAMI North Carolina. Please reach out to BethAnne O’Keefe ( if you have any questions or concerns. 

Emergency Response and Traumatic Loss in Online NAMI Programs

NAMI has created an Emergency Response and Traumatic Loss in Online NAMI Programs document that discusses two particularly difficult aspects of offering NAMI programs online: how to effectively respond to emergencies and how to compassionately and appropriately address traumatic losses, such as the death of a participant. You can find this resource attached to this email or on the NAMInet. Please reach out to with any feedback or questions. 

NAMI NC Program Leader Training

If you need new Program Leaders, please be sure to submit applications sooner rather than later. The online Program Leader trainings require more advance time because we are mailing manuals to each participant in advance. For the full schedule of Program Leader Trainings, click here.

Thank you for all that you do!