In many ways, the results of the recent election offer North Carolinians a chance to take a fresh look at mental health priorities in the state. Over 1.4 million people in North Carolina have a mental health condition, which is three times the size of Raleigh. Just 4 in 10 people with a mental health condition received any treatment in the past year. And over 2.5 million live in an area with a shortage of mental health professionals.

These are all daunting numbers, but NAMI NC looks forward to working with YOU, and our state and national legislators to address these issues. There is nothing inevitable about the challenges we face as individuals or a society. Our advocacy efforts can make a difference, and so you can you. Get involved with our programs, and let our elected officials know that mental health matters to you. Please reach out to NAMI NC’s Public Policy Director, Ashish George at for any public policy questions or comment.

Feeling Stressed?

While Election Day has come and gone, the conclusion for all races has been a bit protracted—for many the stress continues. If you are still feeling stress associated with this historic event, 5 Ways to deal with Election Stress from NPR can be found here.