Our Community Inclusion projects touch on a wide range of mental health issues, including dealing with grief. On September 30, NAMI Cumberland, Harnett and Lee Counties hosted a writer’s workshop called “The Gift of Grief” at the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens. Yolanda Yogii Barnes led participants through journaling exercises, using the gardens as inspiration. Participants were invited, through a sensory experience and provided prompts, to journal about well-being, healing, recovery, loss, life, and love. The exercises were meant to help participants become more self-aware of the presence of grief in their recoveries and what triggers can lead to grief, as well as learn the healing value of writing, the spoken word, and earthing.

Many participants shared the writing they produced during the event, commenting that the environment allowed them to feel safe to open up without reservations. Most participants found that the event offered a genuine healing experience, helped them decrease stress and offered a welcoming and inviting space for all. The outdoor setting provided beauty, serenity, and opportunity for reflection. Many participants reported wanting additional sessions.

NAMI NC’s Community Inclusion program helps administer healing and restorative projects like “The Gift of Grief” statewide. For more information, visit our website or click the button below.

Community Inclusion Information