If you are the loved one of someone with a mental illness, you owe it to yourself and your loved one to attend. NAMI Family-to-Family is a FREE multi-session course that provides critical information and strategies for taking care of the person you love.

The group setting of NAMI Family-to-Family provides mutual support and shared positive impact—you can experience compassion and reinforcement from people who understand your situation. Thankfully, NAMI NC Affiliates have joined together to offer this and many of their other free programs virtually, and open to all, so you can attend from wherever you are.

For more information about the Family-to-Family program coming up on Saturday, February 26 that will be offered in Spanish click here.

More about NAMI’s Family-to-Family….”I wish I’d known about this seven years ago when the problem began. I felt safe in this class. I was able to talk about things I haven’t been comfortable expressing elsewhere.”

Not a Spanish speaker? A Family-to-Family class, in English, is being offered by NAMI Union County beginning on March 15th. To register or for more information email f2f@namiunionnc.org