Things have been moving more and more towards virtual and the COVID-19 outbreak is only accelerating that trend.

Many North Carolinians, including some NAMI NC staff, are now working remotely instead of reporting to the office. This past weekend, NAMI NC’s Peg Morrison and Mikayla Leffin trained 13 volunteers from 4 affiliates virtually on how to implement a Community Inclusion program in their area.

And now, NAMI Wake County, is the first NC affiliate to offer virtual support groups! Faced with a difficult decision on how to continue to serve their community in this environment, NAMI Wake choose to suspend their in-person groups for the time being and worked tirelessly to offer a new, COVID-19 friendly option. Last week they began by offering a Family Support Group via video conferencing on Tuesday nights. Now they have expanded to also offer a Connection Recovery Support Group for those living with mental illness, and another group focusing on individuals experiencing Stress and Anxiety. For more information or to register for these virtual groups, click here . Registration for the virtual groups is available near the top of the webpage.

Kudos to NAMI Wake County and all of the NAMI affiliates striving to support those affected by mental health issues throughout this crisis.

Please note that you should check with your local affiliate to determine if they are still holding classes or groups, whether in person or virtually.