Lynn Delguadio of Morrisville had a full life until 80 pounds of weight came crashing down on her head at the gym in 2014, resulting in a traumatic brain and spinal cord injury. Emily Rodriguez of New York City sustained a TBI in a terrible car accident and wasn’t expected to walk or talk again. Both are doing well today. We’ll also learn from a mother’s perspective; Jackie Pilgrim of Durham has a son with a Traumatic Brain Injury and other health concerns. All of these women have developed inspiring ways of coping. Jackie is a poet, blogger, and advocate. Lynn – who has made a heroic recovery – recently published a book on her experience called Altered on Impact. Emily has a prayer project focused on 2,000 New York City Schools, which she is focusing on one at a time.

Join us on Thursdays with NAMI on March 11 as we honor Brain Injury Awareness Month.

Thursdays with NAMI starts at 7pm and is free and open to all, but registration is required. To register and view the schedule for future sessions, please click HERE.

Thursdays with NAMI Information and Registration