If you’ve seen a doctor in the past 20 years you’ve come across HIPAA, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). It’s that form you sign to acknowledge your doctor’s privacy policy. It’s also the law that prevents hospitals from giving updates to family members without a patient’s express consent. In December the government proposed changes to HIPAA, and they could be controversial. For example, doctors could more easily share medical information without a person’s consent, based on a “good faith belief” about what’s best for the patient; the current guideline is to base such decisions on “professional judgement,” a higher standard. Is the privacy of peers being compromised? Or are family members finally getting an appropriate seat at the table to be part of the care team? Join us this week on Thursdays with NAMI as we examine all sides of this challenging topic. Featuring NC Peer Support Trainer and WRAP Facilitator Pam Goodine, Michael Gray of the Treatment Advocacy Center, and speaker/author Gabe Howard of Healthline Media.

Thursdays with NAMI starts at 7pm and is free and open to all, but registration is required. To register and view the schedule for future sessions, please click HERE.

Thursdays with NAMI Information and Registration