College is a time for young people to explore new ideas and dream about the future. However, the National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that 35% of college students experiencing a mental health crisis don’t inform their schools, and up to 50% of learners with psychiatric disabilities do not request school accommodations.

Our team at recognizes this barrier to education and wants to ensure that we equip students with the knowledge to move forward if they are experiencing a crisis in school. Please take a look at our carefully curated Student Mental Health Series:

Student Mental Health Series

Facts about the Crisis:

Learning to Cope:

Maintaining Physical and Mental Health:

Going to school, juggling mental health situations and trying to stay healthy is a tough balance to find. Our hope is that these open-use guides are available to those that need them the most. Please join us in helping students find the resources they need by adding one or more of our guides to your site, such as on a page like this,

Thank you for your time and consideration in supporting our mission to empower students.