Is marijuana linked to psychosis, schizophrenia? It’s contentious, but doctors, feds say yes

A number of physicians and parents are pushing back against the long-held assertion of users and advocates that marijuana is a safe, benign and even beneficial drug.

Those sounding the alarm include the nation’s “mental health czar,” as well as doctors in Colorado, California and Massachusetts where marijuana is legal for recreational use. They say the facts are irrefutable: Excessive use of high-THC pot and concentrated oil is linked to psychotic episodes that in some cases develop into full-blown schizophrenia.

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Tweets on body image down, greater talk around mental health, reveals Twitter

Maybe the era of body-neutrality has truly arrived, as recent Twitter data has revealed that body image, diet, and physical appearance no longer dominate the conversation. The company sampled tweets from 2016 to 2019 to find that conversation around mind and mental health has gone up by 122%.

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How Do I Talk About Mental Health with My Boss—or Prospective Employer?

InHerSight asked Amy Robertson, a NAMI NC Board member and CEO who provides HR consulting services, to weigh in on her passion, which is mental health, and how companies, managers, and employees can navigate it at work.

For her answers click here