Thank you to all that came out for NAMIWalks Your Way. The United Day of Hope was held on Saturday, when over 30 NAMI affiliates and thousands of people came together to “Walk” for awareness and build mental health resources. We are truly inspired by the level of support for this virtual event. To date, over $118,000 has been raised towards our goal of $150,000! We would like to thank all that participated and posted for Mental Health Awareness.

It was a very hard decision, but the committee selected the video below from all the wonderful posts, pictures, and videos submitted for our Awareness Challenge.

Little Miss Makes a Big Impact!

The winning entry for our awareness challenge features little Noble Miss Carolina Grand Supreme 2021, Jordyn J and other NAMI supporters. Thanks to Jordyn and all the members of Team Noble – Breaking New Dawn who in addition to building awareness, together have raised over $2,500 for mental health.

It’s not too late to help make a difference! Our efforts to eradicate stigma will continue beyond Saturday and Mental Health Month. Additionally, our fundraising via #NAMIWalksNC to support our mental health programs and advocacy efforts also continues as we strive to reach our goal.

It’s not too late to join in this campaign! Fundraising credit towards recognition gifts continues through June 20th and fundraising for the campaign continues through July 15th.

If you missed our Facebook live opening and closing ceremonies on Saturday morning, or would more information about NAMIWalks NC click here or the buttons below.

Thank you to everyone for helping to bring #MentalHealthforAll!

Info & Register for NAMIWalks
Donate to NAMIWalks
Participant Guide