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Most Nonprofits Worldwide Report Negative Impacts of COVID-19

This article illustrates the same fate that NAMI NC has been facing, ie being negatively impacted by COVID-19. Are you in a position to help?

For those of you that don’t already have your stimulus check spoken for – we hope that you may allocate part of it to NAMI NC. For those of you that don’t have that as an option, we hope that you will join in awareness and fundraising efforts like NAMIWalks, or by volunteering. But most of all, we hope that all of you will seriously focus on staying healthy, mentally as well as physically. We’re here to help: 800.451.9682


Netflix stars team up with Facebook to promote mental health during the coronavirus pandemic

Social media is a fine example of a double-edged sword. As millions of Americans stay indoors, it’s become not only a source of entertainment but a vital method of communication. But it can also come with negative side effects on your mental health.

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Lindsay Simineo is a licensed professional counselor at her mental health practice.  Yana Counseling LLC. Courtesy
Poll reveals mental health struggles during coronavirus lockdown

A new survey by Gallup has revealed the extent of people’s mental health fears as the coronavirus lockdown continues in many places.

In the survey of 7,931 Americans, over two thirds (68%) think they can wait “as long as is necessary” before their physical health suffers. But less than half (48%) said they thought their mental health would hold out for as long.

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Grace Weinstein has a panic disorder, but friends and family ate turning to her for advice on how to cope. Courtesy Photo

Pandemic is a devastating mass trauma—but some people with anxiety and depression have seen their symptoms improve

When the novel coronavirus lockdown first began in early March, Grace Weinstein noticed something strange. In the span of 48 hours, three people reached out to her because they’d experienced an anxiety or panic attack. Weinstein has a diagnosed panic disorder, in addition to anxiety and depression—so for her newly distressed friends, she was an obvious person to consult.

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Experts: Racism, misinformation fuel NC’s high coronavirus rate among blacks, Hispanics

In North Carolina and around the country, African Americans are getting COVID-19 and dying from the disease much more often than white people.

Why? While health experts talk about a variety of reasons, Dr. Mandy Cohen, the state’s secretary of health and human services, can explain it in two words: “Structural racism.”

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