March is Brain Injury Awareness Month. More than 5.3 million Americans are living with brain injury-related disabilities.

Acquired brain injuries are those that are not hereditary, congenital, degenerative, or induced by birth trauma. These injuries can result in changes to the brain’s neuronal activity, which affects the physical integrity, metabolic activity, or functional ability of nerve cells in the brain.

There are two types of acquired brain injuries:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) – an alteration in brain function caused by an external force. These can occur because of a fall, assault, sports injury, or motor vehicle accident, among other causes.
  • Non-traumatic Brain Injury – an alteration in brain function due to internal factors, such as a lack of oxygen, exposure to toxins, or pressure from a tumor. These can be caused by factors like stroke, near-drowning, aneurysm, tumor, infectious disease, or health condition that causes a lack of oxygen to the brain (like a heart attack).

Many people with brain injuries can recover and continue to live fulfilling lives, but the medical costs and necessary accommodations they have to navigate can be staggering. Visit to see how you can advocate for brain injury survivors and their families.