While negative attitudes and beliefs towards people who live with mental health conditions are pervasive within the U.S., they can be particularly strong within the Black community. One study showed that 63% of Black people believe that a mental health condition is a sign of personal weakness. While there are other factors, overcoming or even reducing this stigma, is a big step towards improving the rate of treatment for those experiencing mental illness conditions.

February is Black History Month, an annual celebration recognizing Black Americans who have made remarkable contributions in their community.

In honor of this month, we would like to highlight just a few of the many who have appeared on Thursdays with NAMI, and helped battle stigma by courageously sharing their story or sought to improve mental health in their community in multiple ways. Below are the links to these past recorded sessions:

Carla Carlisle, Journey to the Son – a story about resilience and trauma-informed care

Vicki Hill – Homeless to Wellness – a Struggle with Bipolar disorder

Quentin Monden – A Candid Talk about Depression and Anxiety

Multiple Guests – Injustice, Race, and Recovery

On this week’s TWN, another heroic African American, a performer and advocate, will be featured. She has been successful in inspiring conversations about mental health, erasing stigma, and continues working on addressing issues which directly affect the Black community (see more detail below)..

NAMI NC would like to thank all of our volunteers and others who help make history everyday by helping to improve the lives of those affected by mental illness.